amazing matcha bread

Many people find healthy eating challenging because it can be hard to give up bread. Commercially available bread, including the gluten free options, has been refined and stripped of nutrients, and it is rapidly metabolised into sugar. Even the more traditionally prepared artisan sourdough can only be digested in winter.

If you are looking for a truly healthy bread alternative, try this recipe. My inspiration was an authentic matcha latte I recently had in a lovely Japanese café is Ealing, and a slice of dehydrated raw bread in Alchemy Cafe in Ubud.

I love this bread – it is delicious, filling, bursting with nutrients, and detoxifying.  It is anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and wonderful for  digestion and hormone balance.  The bread goes with pretty much everything and I love it with hummus, dips and salads.

Two main ingredients make this bread green: matcha powder and courgette. Green is the real colour of love, joy, gratitude, and compassion. It is the colour of the Heart Chakra. Eating green foods helps us balance these qualities in ourselves.

Its other ingredients: psyllium husks are a bulking fibre which helps to achieve regular bowel movements; and brazil nuts are just filled with healthy fat needed for our brain cells to fire information to one another, and selenium which is wonderful for our moods, and for our thyroid health. If your metabolism needs a boost, this is the nut to include in your diet every day.

The bread is dehydrated at low temperatures to keep all the ingredients truly vibrantly alive.

I make this bread using my Excalibur dehydrator. I have not tested this recipe in the oven – but if you don’t own a dehydrator I would suggest placing the dough at the lowest temperature setting in the oven.


1 tablespoon matcha powder (I use Clearspring organic matcha powder)

1 medium courgette – chopped

½ cup brazil nuts – ground into flour

½ cup oats – ground into flour

¼ cup flax seeds – ground into flour

5 heaped tablespoons psyllium husks

¾ cup filtered water

4 tablespoons raw runny honey

Juice of ½ lemon

A pinch of salt

2 tablespoons olive oil for glazing



Mix the Brazil nut, oat, and flaxseed flours together, add psyllium husks.  Blend all the other ingredients well until they form a smoothie. Pour the smoothie over the flour mix. It should all stick together and form a dough. Shape it into a loaf with your hands and glaze with olive oil using a brush. Place into your dehydrator set at 42C for at least 12 hours.