Event – Illuminating the Menopause

Friday,  21st of June
7pm – 10pm

Lower Lodge Farm, Night Pastures, Fernhurst, GU27 3NH, UK
£12, Limited to 20 places

to book email me contact@magdajenkins.com, or visit the event’s Facebook page www.facebook.com/events/822811898077803

Menopause is the time of a natural and powerful transition in women’s lives. Yet, it is feared by many. We’ve all heard stories from other women about their menopausal challenges, and perhaps you are going through it yourself unsure where you are and what to do to feel better.

During Menopause everything unresolved comes up to the surface and asks for healing – concerns about the body image, fear of aging, relationships, being a woman in the world, self- esteem, career choices, lifestyle, and self-care. Women often wake up one morning and know that something must change.

In the first part of the evening, I will share my clinical experience of supporting women going through menopause using Naturopathy, Nutritional Therapy and Lifestyle Medicine. I will provide helpful tips on how to holistically address symptoms such as night sweats, hot flashes, and how successfully prevent menopausal weight gain, brain fog, depression, and mood swings, and how to boost vaginal health and libido.

We will then form a circle and move from our intellect to the full experience of our bodies – through a beautiful guided meditation and an activity especially designed to connect with and hear the deep wisdom of our bodies, and to share with other women.

If you would like to learn more about supporting yourself through the menopause, or if you have already gone through the menopause and feel the need to understand your experience and give it closure, if you would like connect with other women in a genuine, confidential, non – judgemental space with no pressure to talk if you don’t feel like it, and if you feel drawn to the idea of the Red Tent – then this gathering is for you. Red tent can be both fun and serious – it’s a nurturing space in which women are heard and real shifts can be made.
