group A Strep – how to get better fast

Many children are not feeling well these last weeks with sore throat, fever and flu- like symptoms with aches and headache. The most likely cause for these symptoms is Group A Streptococcus which is why we are currently also hearing of scarlet fever in schools –  both are caused by the same bacteria. When Strep A release toxins, these can lead to a skin rash.  

Good news is that we can do so much for our children at home with these simple tools:

Inhalations with eucalyptus and tea tree essential oils. Eucalyptus oil helps loosen phlegm and relieve congestion, tea tree oil is antibacterial. Lugol’s iodine can also help if you have this at home, I recommend a 7% solution. Method: pour 2 litres of freshly boiled water into a ceramic bowl, add 2 drops of lugol’s iodine and 5 drops essential oil each. The child then sits over the bowl with a towel over the head to ensure that the medicinal vapour doesn’t escape. This can be done several times per day, 5-10 mins each session, until it feels finished with no more vapour with oil scents coming up. You can also use these same oils in a diffuser placed near your child’s bed. (please note, essential oils should not be used on babies).

Ferrum phosphoricum tissue salt can be taken at the beginning of any sore throats and coughs. If there is already a yellow-green discharge present, or if the mucus is not being coughed up easily, use Kali sulph tissue salt. Let your child take 2 tablets of salt every couple of hours until symptoms improve. Children generally enjoy tissue salts as they dissolve pleasantly under the tongue.  

Vitamin C throughout the day – I use food based liquid vitamin C rather than ascorbic acid. Dosage depends on the age of your child.  

If you have a good health food shop in your area, Echinacea is a great immune tonic.

Everyone has salt at home. Gargling with salt water is an amazing traditional remedy which helps to remove strep bacteria from the mouth and throat. Dissolve 1 tsp of good quality salt (Himalayan or sea salt) in a mug of warm water and let your child gargle it around the back of the throat until all water is finished. Support younger children to make sure they don’t swallow any salt water. This can be done 2-3 times per day.  

Strep A usually drives a high fever of 40C or higher. Unless your child is a young baby under 3 months old, allow her to have fever.  It is an essential part of the immune system doing its job. Suppressing fever with calpol will alleviate the discomfort but will drive the infection deeper. If your child has had fever for over 3 days, if it is over 40C and you are worried, it may be worth lowering it with cold wet flannels placed on the forehead and body. Trust your instincts!
Remember water is essential, especially if your child has fever. Signs of dehydration are brown and less frequent pee. You can give your child water with vitamin C, echinacea or make ginger root ‘tea’. Ginger helps to break up any congestion.  

Let your child rest and sleep as much as possible. Sleep is when our bodies heal and regenerate.  

I usually recommend not feeding the fever and following your child cues of returning hunger.. A sign she is getting better. The body is busy doing its job and digestion is not high on the priority list.  

If your child has been getting ill more than twice in a year, she may benefit from a naturopathic and nutritional consultation to assess the gut microbiome and to improve overall immunity.  Do get in touch if you feel your child would benefit from an individualised treatment plan.

With health and best wishes
